Thursday 24 August 2023


Shivaratri Mela has special importance in the lap of Garwa Garh Girnar. On the last day of the 5 -day Lok Mela, the Naga monks are finished with the rawadi. Shivratri has seen a wonderful thrill in the foothills of Bhavanath, as if the world of Naga monks.

Religious importance is also associated with joy at the fair. In which Mahadev Shankar completed the penance of the abyss and went straight from Girnar to Kailas, the folk tradition is attached. And since that day, the Shivaratri fair is filled in Junagadh, it is believed that. For years, the number of devotees is increasing in the fair gradually. Last year, an estimated 6 lakh devotees joined the fair. The figure is estimated to be even higher this year.

The devotees do not have to be hungry if it is to stay for 5 days at the Junagadh fair, because Bhandara is seen like Amarnath Yatra by various congregations. Where devotees get all three meals. Apart from this, a program is also organized along with the hymns.

In which the famous hymns make Girnar Tatte completely religious in the evening and at night. The Nagabawas from all over the country are found to be in their rows.

Shivrat is a journey of Naga Bawa on the road to Bhavanath Temple, which is known in the monk society as Rwadi. It is completed at twelve o'clock in the night after the procession departs. At that time, monks in Mrigikund voices ink. There is also a folklore that some Nagabawa performs Varun Puja in Mrigikund.

About 1521 fairs are filled all over Gujarat and the Shivrat fair is very ancient and known in the lap of Girnar. It is worth mentioning that the importance and description of Girnar can also be found in Skandapuran and Vishnupurana. Thus, there is a folk fair from Damodar Kund to Girnar Gate for 5 days as well as from Bhavanath Temple on the other hand, which transforms Shivratri into the gatherings of the monks.

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